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Laser Etching vs. Engraving: What’s the Difference?

It is easy to confuse many terms in manufacturing, considering many of these words sound alike. For instance, people may still think laser engraving and laser etching aluminium are the same, but upon closer inspection, it turns out that either process yields different results. While it is true that both methods use a laser to leave a mark behind, the kind of alteration they do on a product’s appearance is not identical.

The time may come when your company will require laser services. So, how do you differentiate stainless steel engraving from etching? Check out our simple guide below:

Laser Etching

The process of laser etching involves melting and distorting the micro surface of a material to melt through high heat. This causes the melted material to expand and leave a texture or raised mark with a depth of around 0.0254 mm (0.001”). Laser etching uses a large amount of energy delivered through a laser beam at particular intervals.

When to use Laser Etching

  • You will use common materials like stainless steel, zinc, various grades of aluminium, anodized aluminium, plated, anodized, or bare metal surfaces, and non-metallic materials like ceramic, glass, wood, paper, and polymer. 
  • You want high-precision and quick process
  • You want laser work effective on thick and thin materials
  • You need a cost-efficient process

Laser Engraving

The laser engraving process utilizes a massive amount of energy to vaporize a thin layer of material by sending a highly localized laser pulse. Engraving acts like a chisel that creates deep and permanent markings such as tracking codes. This process is best for marking materialscommonly subject to harsh surface treatments and wear.

The depth of a laser engraver can reach a maximum of 0.508 mm (0.020”) or 500 microns.

When to use a Laser Engraver

  • You will use metals such as stainless steel, titanium, and brass. Laser engraving works on other materials like fibreglass, wood, and paper.
  • You need damage-resistant tactile markings
  • You want the fastest, most efficient laser process
  • You want something customised or personalised

Partner with the Best Australian Laser Etching and Engraving Company

Enjoy the benefits of high-quality laser etching and engraving products by partnering with the experts. Artcom Fabrication offers unique and cost-efficient design and manufacturing solutions forsignage, wide format printing, 3D printing, etching &engraving, acrylic,metal fabrication, and cutting services, including Waterjet, CNC router, and laser cutting. Email to learn more.
