Online Conference: Is It Better Compared To Offline Conference?Technology by Marlon Berry - April 14, 20200 In the digital age, businesses have succeeded with the right use of technology. Online conferences, innovative apps, digital tools, and cloud backup play a pivotal role. Attending conferences can be a great chance for you to know about the potential growth of your business. You meet many like-minded people there from other big or small business organizations. You acquire fresh business ideas and that is what business conferences are all about.However, company officials miss important conferences owing to the distance. Distance is surely a drawback when it comes to offline conferences. But, hey what about having an online conference? Go on reading below to find about the benefits of the online conference over its offline counterpart.Share Desktop Applications with EveryoneThis is a great advantage of web conferencing where you can share desktop and applications. You can share any application like MS PowerPoint or an Excel Spreadsheet with ease. This is great because you can now show your presentations and spreadsheets to the people you want to. Talking about offline conferencing, you need to do it separately. So, this is a perk of online conferencing.Save Time and Increase ProductivityWhen you take part in the conference from your home, you can save all the time for other activities. Visiting a conference can indeed drain out a lot of time out of your schedule. But think about what benefits you can get by doing the conference online. You can show demos, explain new business plans and what not! For the rest of the time saved, you can use it for doing some other office work.Train Your Employees OnlineEmployee training is a big part that you need to observe as the owner of an organization. These employees will get your company rolling in the long run. Therefore, to pave the way to that position, you can take the help of online conferencing. You can train a considerable amount of things through the internet. Well, this not only saves your time but also that of your employees.Talking about this, your brand can also improve customer relationships with your company. Utilizing the advantages of online conferencing, they can build strong relationships with the people. Don’t you also think that this is easier to accomplish through the online way than the offline one?Offline conferences have their own sets of positive applications, which you cannot deny either. However, an online conference (ประชุมออนไลน์, which is the term in Thai) can solve a lot of the factors in an easier way and by saving your time.