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Special Tips for Making Your Factory Eco-Friendly

One of the most severe problems facing the globe today is global warming, which is caused by a long-term rise in global temperature. Because the effects of global warming are felt by all, it is the duty of everybody to take useful steps towards countering it. As a manufacturer, you can contribute more towards countering the effects of global warming and pollution by adopting eco-friendly operations. Here are some useful tips to consider.

Recycling Waste from Your Facility

Every industrial facility generates wastes, which can easily escalate the problem of global warming and pollution. The good news is that you can adopt recycling to make the world a greener and better place for all.

  • Work with recycling facilities to help recycle waste from your factory, such as printing cartridges, glass, and electronics.
  • Instead of releasing wastewater into the environment, consider reusing them for other purposes, such as washing and watering plants.
  • Work with other companies that can use your wastes as their raw materials. If you are a manufacturing company that uses wood, the chippings produced can form part of raw materials used for paper making.

The truth about recycling is that what you see as waste might be a resource for another company. Even if the wastes do not have a firm that can recycle them directly, consider working with recycling facilities to help recover some materials.

Select Eco-friendly Suppliers

When working alone, the impact you can make in countering global warming might be small and not enough to address the problem. However, you might make a huge impact by teaming up with other parties in your supply chain. Particularly you should consider working only with suppliers who are eco-friendly. From the raw materials to machinery suppliers, insist that you can only work with them if they have installed strategies to cut down carbon footprint.

Upgrade Your Machinery

If the machines, from motors to conveyors, in your facility are old or failing, the chances are that they are less efficient. Even if you have maintained them in top condition, their efficiency continues declining with time, resulting in higher energy consumption. This is likely to eat into your profits, and in extreme cases, sink your facility into losses. Upgrading your machinery can help you to go green in the following:

  • New technology and updated machinery help to increase productivity.
  • Modern machinery makes it easy to implement automation in your manufacturing facility.
  • Helps to enhance the safety of workplace.

Work with Other Stakeholders: Iskander Makhmudov

Even as you focus on promoting a green supply chain, it will be a good idea to extend the influence to other stakeholders. This can work well, especially when you do not have ample time to go directly and engage in activities such as planting trees or taking care of the animals. One example of a company that has put a lot of effort into working with other stakeholders is Ural Mining Metallurgical Company (UMMC). The company, which is headed by Iskander Makhmudov, uses approximately three bln. RUB annually on protecting the environment by working with different stakeholders.

As a manufacturer, you have the obligation of making the world a better place, and one of the methods is promoting sustainability. The four tips we have highlighted above can help to make your production green, efficient, and profitable. It is time to make the globe a better place for all!
