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What Lightning Alerts Can People Use

There is a possibility of people knowing about lightning alerts or even using them at their organization already. However, it is also possible to find lightning alerts confusing. There can be questions on the types of alerts they need, the functions of these different types, and if they work together. That is why it is essential to cover the differences and similarities between lightning horns, lightning proximity alerts, dangerous thunderstorm alerts, and also explore the ideal alert to use.

Sferic Siren

These are lightning horns and strobes, and they are physical devices that produce light and make noise on location to people close by that there is an oncoming lightning threat, and they need to seek shelter. That is why professionals refer to lightning horns and strobes systems as Sferic Siren.

When Do People Use a Lighting Horn?

The best use of lightning horns and strobes are for the trigger when there are severe weather safety plans. There is no time to monitor or plan when people hear the horn. The only thing they need to do is seek shelter. That is why it is a great component of an overall lightning alert plan.

Lightning Proximity Alerts

People can use lightning proximity alerts automatic, custom lighting distance alerts on the mobile app, email, or text. Users can set up custom alerts to specific groups in their organization depending on different lightning distances since the alerting technique is extremely well-rounded. As such, different groups can take their respective safety actions with these signals.

When People Can Use Lightning Proximity Alerts

People have a few different times to use lightning proximity alerts. The first use of it is to trigger immediate action for people. Users only set proximity alerts using smaller radii for this. It is recommended within a 10-mile range, based on the time it will take people to clear their area.

Dangerous Thunderstorm Alerts

Like dangerous thunderstorm alerts, lightning alerts are a combination of dangerous in-cloud lightning and cloud-to-ground lightning strikes. If someone wants to rely on total lightning detection instead of cloud–to-ground strikes, it is vital to use lightning alerts since cloud-to-ground strikes are only about 20 percent of all lightning discharges. Indeed, the United States witnessed just 17.1 percent of cloud-to-ground on all pulses in 2019.

Dangerous thunderstorm alerts offer critical storm information 50 percent faster than other alerts, such as the alerts people typically get on their mobile phones for free. Also, people can fund dangerous thunderstorm alerts anywhere else as they are exclusive to Earth Networks.

Places People Use Dangerous Thunderstorm Alerts

When people want to monitor storms ahead of time, they can use dangerous thunderstorm alerts. Dangerous thunderstorm alerts have so many details about nearby severe storm cells like:

  • Storm speed
  • Storm direction
  • Flash change (cloud-to-ground, in-cloud, and total)
  • Flashes per minute (cloud-to-ground, in-cloud, and total)
  • Alert location
  • Total alert area
  • Start time and end times

There will be greater situational awareness for those who use dangerous thunderstorm alerts because they will be aware of the severe thunderstorm’s approach for about 45-minutes before dangerous conditions reach their location.

Dangerous thunderstorm alerts may warn of other situations than lightning even when all lightning is dangerous to people and equipment outdoors. Apart from showing people other severe incoming storms, dangerous thunderstorm alerts also warn about other dangerous conditions such as high wind gusts, hail, and even the possibility for tornadoes and flash flooding.
