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How Are Chatbot Marketers Leading The Pack In 2020?

Big breakthroughs are made in the tech industry including artificial intelligence. With new technology, chatbots will work more efficiently and there is no doubt that they will be a part of our future. We can see that the trend is rising and it is expected that more than 40% of organizations will have programs working on their customer care. Another 40% will use virtual assistants.

They are becoming a part of many business verticals that can only benefit you compared to the processes you have now. The change in communication between employees and customers wasn’t imposed by these programs we already can see that people will more likely text someone instead of calling which wasn’t the case a decade ago. They will be a part of human resources, messaging apps, customer engagement, lead generation and customer service.

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Facts and Statistics

In order to keep up with the competition, trends like this need to be followed and even try to improve them on your own. The problem is that changes are happening fast and many companies can’t handle the pressure so they stay behind and eventually lose the battle. If you look at some of the most popular platforms like Facebook, you will notice a large number of bots used for promotion. It’s estimated that there were over 400,000 chatbots at the end of 2018.

They are mostly seen in industries like finance, healthcare, education, travel and real estate. We can expect by the end of 2020, that 80% of businesses that have an online presence will use them. Because everything is moving fast, your customers will expect that you are 24/7 open and ready to answer their questions. Two to three years ago, the chatbot market value was over $800 million. The average savings for customer support was 30%.

They Will Be More Human

With a big growth in market value, it is expected that they become more human so people will think they are talking to an ordinary person that has every answer they need. Manufacturers still need to work a lot in order to perfect it. There are a few main challenges they need to fix. A problem with understanding accents is one of the challenged. This is an issue because they can’t understand the right intent of the customer. Read more on this page.

One of the main problems is that they can’t answer when the customer asks for technical commands. Conversational intelligence is still an issue so they might fail to interpret the nuances of the dialogue. The last one is a misunderstanding of requests which annoys the customer a lot.

Now is the hardest period because you will need to keep up with consumer expectations because the program isn’t perfect but with natural language processing or NLP and artificial intelligence, new methods and updates are coming every month so we can expect them to take over very soon. The goal is to have a better relationship with customers, boost their loyalty and get positive feedback.

Messaging Platforms

The majority of clients will tell you that messaging is the best way to stay connected with a company. This also benefits the firms because messaging platforms allow them to improve their approach and do better remarketing and branding. They are also very adaptable to bot capabilities and there can be implemented many functions that will help with strengthening customer loyalty.

The number of people that are making a purchase through bots is growing and they are starting to trust them more than other salesmen. Another thing that will benefit your business is brand awareness. Bots will be a part of market strategies that will boost your brand awareness because they can give faster answers and promote at the same time. It would be best to take examples from the most popular platforms like WhatsApp or Messenger and see in first-hand how others manage their bots.

Voice Bots

Voice bots and chatbots are very connected and most platforms that have one will have the other and their accuracy is improving a lot. It is becoming ordinary to use it because of many products that use voice as the main communication tool. There are studies that show how digital consumers are increasingly using platforms that have both options.

They are gaining popularity because texting can sometimes be monotonous and it isn’t forced upon you to talk so you can use it whenever you like. It can be considered as a faster option where your clients can get real-time information. Some customer requirements will demand vocal conversation so you will need to have both tools. There is tough competition in every industry so businesses need to take every opportunity to turn leads into clients so marketing over voice bots has a promising future.

AI in Contact Centers

Some people thought that many call centers will lose their business because of these changes but they can be just transformed. The number of employees will be lower for sure because companies can save a lot on having these programs. The transformation will happen because bots can’t handle complex situations without human support. They can schedule an appointment, request a balance or change a password but for more complicated things, they will need a real person to teach the bot.

The transformation will include the automation of business processes. With AI, they can handle first-level queries without the help of a real person. Most employees will do the monitoring and just adding to the value of bots. It can also help you manage what your employees are doing when recommending services and products. A big part of its future will be predicting the behavior of the clients which will help your agents adjust and make the sale. Much information is gathered through call centers that AI can collect and use to make better solutions to a problem.

A lot of money is being invested in AI and if you run a business or planning to, you should be involved in this enhancement in technology because it allows company’s processes to be much faster. Running a business will be easier and it will allow you to save your budget.
