9 Things you didn’t know about Minecraft apkTechnology by Vivian Collins - December 1, 20220 You may think you know everything there is to know about Minecraft, but there are always a few things that manage to slip through the cracks. Here are 9 things you probably didn’t know about Minecraft.You can make a map in less than a minuteIf you’re in a hurry and need a map, you can easily make one in less than a minute using a crafting table and some paper. First, find a crafting table and open the 3×3 crafting grid. Then, place a piece of paper in the middle slot of the grid. Now, drag the paper to your inventory to create a map.There’s a secret message hidden in the gameIf you look closely, you’ll notice that there’s a hidden message in the game. The message reads, “There are no secrets in life, only hidden truths.” This message is a powerful reminder that we all have secrets and that ultimately, they will be revealed. There are no secrets in life, only hidden truths.You can tame wolvesWolves can be tamed and will even defend you if you’re being attacked. A collar with a red bone will appear around the wolf’s neck once it’s been tamed. If you want more detail, visit here APKCima.Com.You can capture mobs in cagesIf you want to keep a mob captive, you can build a cage out of iron bars. Build a frame out of iron blocks, and then fill in the gaps with more iron bars. Make sure the bars are spaced close enough together that the mob cannot squeeze through.You can make a Nether portal without obsidianIf you’re in a pinch, you can make a Nether portal without obsidian by using lava and water. First, you’ll need to gather about 14 buckets of lava and about 10 buckets of water. Then, you’ll need to build a 4×5 frame out of any blocks you want. Once the frame is built, place the lava in the middle and surround it with water.You can clone animalsIf you have a pair of animals that you want to clone, you can do so by using a spawn egg. To clone an animal, you will need to first find a spawn egg for the animal you want to clone. These can be found in chests, dropped by mobs, or purchased from villagers.You can make a bed in the Netherminecraft mod apk free, you can make a bed and sleep until morning. If you’re stuck in the Nether, you can make a bed and sleep until morning. When you wake up, it will be daytime and you can continue exploring.You can craft a fishing rodIf you’re looking for a way to catch fish, you can craft a fishing rod using string and sticks. To use it, right-click on water source and select the “Fishing” option. This will give you the option to choose which kind of fish you want to catch.You can make a firework showIf you want to put on a firework show, you can do so by crafting a firework star and a firework rocket. The firework star will act as the explosives for the firework, and the firework rocket will be used to launch the firework into the air.