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Candy Camera


Just like Ed Sheeran said, ‘We keep this love in a photograph. We make these memories for ourselves.’. A photograph holds so many unspoken memories and moments spent throughout a person’s life. It is special as it does not have to explain itself because a photograph speaks a thousand words for itself. It is the only way one can take themselves into the past while living in the present.

We might lose friends, loved ones or even some people you never even thought of losing. But the memories you made with them will always be alive on a photograph. This way, you will never let the moments fade away. Android studio has introduced Candy Camera, not only to preserve all of your cherished moments, but to also make you feel like the most beautiful version of yourself in all of your photos and selfies.

Candy Camera App for Android

They say it takes an apple to keep the doctor away. But I say, ‘A selfie a day, keeps the doctor away’. The reason behind this is because a beautiful selfie can do a lot more to one more than any medicine or therapy can. It has been found that a beautiful selfie is able to boost one’s confidence levels, restoring self-esteem and in turn increasing the productivity of one’s day to day activities. 

With this Camera app you no longer have to bother thinking about how perfect you look or if you can do better. Everyone across the globe has their own unique beauty and it is known that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. But why not make Candy Camera that one person who will ensure to make you feel beautiful and mesmerising as ever?

Its wide range of features include several filters that will help you choose the best look you want and also the beauty functions on the app lets you smoothen your face, edit with some lipstick, eyeliner, blush, and any of those fancy makeup products that you love using. 

Time to say bye to all the hassle of putting on makeup for the perfect selfie because candy camera will ensure to make you look flawless with an all-natural makeup face with the aid of all its beauty functions. It also allows silent camera mode that lets you take selfies and photos anytime and anywhere you are without anyone even knowing. So, you do not have to worry about embarrassing yourself anymore, go ahead and click that beautiful selfie!

Already excited about the app? Well, hurry and download the app if you do not want to miss out on any of its exciting and super convenient features that will help you click the most flawless and beautiful pictures ever!

There are many other Camera apps dedicate for single purpose like HD Camera. But those camera apps do not have all features required to take perfect unique photos like this camera app.

