Cloud hosting 101! – A must-read before choosing the best cloud hosting service!Web Hosting by Paul Petersen - January 25, 2021January 26, 20210 If you’ve ever looked into hosting a website or application, you’re going to come across the word cloud hosting. The cloud helps you to distribute your data through several, distributed servers, distributed over a vast geographical area, instead of storing your website or software on a single computer. These servers operate only in a simulated world. Hence, it is named cloud. The idea that cloud hosting requires the processing resources of many computers means that not only do you have vastly more potential than you might have with conventional hosting; you still have access to the services provided by these machines. This is where things are going to get interesting. But before we get too far ahead and start looking for the best cloud hosting, let’s review the basics of cloud hosting.Public cloud vs private cloudWhen your hosting account was based on a single server, you had the option of either sharing a computer with other accounts (a shared server) or running an actual machine exclusively for your site (a dedicated server). You have a similar decision to make for cloud hosting.One of the options is the pubic cloud – the equivalent of a centralized server where networked computers store data for several sites. If the public cloud isn’t what you’re searching for, you can build a private cloud setup that doesn’t share the resources with any other accounts or sites. This eventually comes at a higher cost but provides better protection and power. Server resources are held in private clouds, which ensure that you don’t have to exchange hardware. The entire virtualized resource is situated behind your firewall. The upside to this is very obvious to everyone who has ever found data protection to be significant.Cloud versus Single serverSo, why did the hosting world switch away from dedicated server hosting to cloud technology? It is a more complicated (and more expensive) device to set up. There’s got to be some big bonuses, right?Some of the advantages of a cloud server are-ReliabilityIf your website operates on a single computer and the machine goes offline, the site will disappear. On the other hand, if the database is shared between a variety of linked computers that all store the same information and one of them goes offline, the others will take up the slack and the site stays online.Scalability of theBecause of the fundamental architecture of your cloud computing set-up, you have access to more system services than you will ever like. Even after these have been exchanged between all the various accounts on your public cloud set-up, there is a huge amount of computing capacity in reserve for this very reason. You can quickly scale these services: if it’s a fast phone call to your hosting provider when you know you’re expecting additional traffic or setting up a hosting architecture to dynamically increase resources depending on real-time requirements. Days like Cyber Monday aren’t meant to be a problem. Cloud hosting means that the account can respond on-demand, as opposed to a dedicated server set-up where a rapid rise in visitor numbers can lead to the whole site going down. Most specifically, you’re only paying for what you do need.VersatilityCloud hosting is extremely flexible, too. More than ever, you can select a personalized approach that is designed to suit your unique needs. You don’t have to choose from a list of regular packages, none of which suits the specifications. You can choose precisely space, architecture, computing capacity, OS, and protection you need with a cloud configuration.Maybe your site uses a fairly small front end but has access to a large database? You would need to host huge files to download from an otherwise small site. Whatever the particular needs, they can be accommodated in the cloud.If you need another excuse to have the best cloud hosting service on board, also keep in mind that if you want to run your server, you can do so from your mobile. In the cloud, you don’t need connections to the data center itself – just an internet connection.