How to Optimize Page Speed and what are the Metrics?Technology by Nancy Bell - October 29, 20200 Way back in the year 2010, the search engine giant declared that page speed would be one of the factors that will determine the ranking of a website. Page speed means how much time it takes for a web page to download either on a desktop or on any hand-held device. Thanks to the new technologies, Website designs have shifted from static to responsive as more and more digital transactions are taking place. Industries such as Banking, financial services, stock market trading have gone digital. Online transactions involving these sectors and even retail consumer shopping have evolved and grown, thanks to cheap data and smartphones, consumers now want websites which offer them a great experience in terms of speed and would settle for nothing less.What are the factors that can make your Page Download Slow?There are a couple of factors that can slow your page download. When selecting any Atlanta web design companies for your website development, keep in mind the following things.HostingThe type of web host you pay for determines the amount of bandwidth you get to enjoy. If you have compromised on quality and bandwidth, the speed with which the pages download will be slower.ContentIt is not just textual content but if you have large images in the web pages, it takes some more time than usual to download. So, even if you have to insert images, make sure you opt for images with smaller file sizes.WidgetsThe buttons for social media platforms that you place on your web page can slow down your page.There are other factors like double-barreled code, the theme of your website, advertisement, and embedded media (external) are some of the factors that can make your web pages slow.How to Overcome these bottlenecks?Page Speed is a parameter that has 2 metrics, namely, FCP or First Contentful Paint, which is measured as a visual response when you view the web page for the first time. The second one is DOM Content Loaded or DCL, when a document with HTML coding is loaded. Responsive Website design makes it easier to use tools to overcome these lacunae.Tools to Overcome the Drawbacks – What are the OptionsFew of the tools that you can use to overcome the drawbacks include the following-Google Page Speed InsightIf you use this tool, you get a score that ranges between 0 and 100. Most importantly, you will get all the measures that you can take to improve the score. This is one of the tools that are being extensively used by digital marketers. The report is generated for both desktops as well as handheld devices. You will get Lab as well as field data by using Google Page Speed Insight. While lab data is made use of for ‘debugging’ issues related to performance, field data helps the report user experience.Apart from the main tool mentioned above, you have other options to try out like the Webpage test, YSlow, and YUI Compressor, just to name a few. These tools are used by Web Developers such as Blue Light Labs depending on individual requirements.