Know Why Creative Advertising Ideas Actually Work For Your BusinessTechnology by Nancy Bell - June 30, 20210 Creative advertising is an integral part of establishing a brand. The strategy allows you to inform the target audience about your existence, your offering, and a lot more. The repetition of these advertisements hammers your brand into the customers’ minds, creating a lasting impression about you. However, advertising can be an expensive process, especially if you are competing with many other companies in your industry. You may be trying to purchase adverts in the same places. These include social media posts and traditional billboards. To succeed and set yourself apart from the competitors, you must get creative with your advertising. You must do what others aren’t doing. Creativity can attract new customers and also make advertising much cheaper. In this blog, we’ll help you understand how creative advertising ideas offer several advantages. Before proceeding with an understanding of the same, let us understand how you can come up with advertisement ideas. Developing Advertisement IdeasBrands utilize the services of an advertising agency in India to ideate and execute their advertisements. There are obvious reasons for this hiring as opposed to doing it themselves. Firstly, every agency has skilled professionals who are trained to create unique and compelling ideas that leave an impact on the minds of the customers. You may remember some of the famous ads from your childhood because of their creativity and uniqueness. For instance, the Vodafone Zuzu or the Old Spice commercials were well thought of and engaged with people compellingly and interestingly. When you begin brainstorming ideas for your advertisements, it is vital to step into the shoes of your customers. You must know the goals and values of your customers and what is it that they are expecting you to fulfil. As you frame the right customer persona, you can start thinking of fun and surprising ways to communicate your message and inform them about what you do. A creative digital marketing strategy consisting of the right message and the right advertising channels results in higher traction. The more creative you can be, the better it is because creativity lets people remember the adverts for longer. Ads that sound and appear like all the others won’t do any benefit to your brand. Read on to learn some advertising ideas that actually work for your business.Tap New Advertising ChannelsMost brands rely on online banners and magazine ads because of their vast reach. However, they miss out on understanding the consumer psyche. Consumers are habitual to seeing advertisements here with their traditional placements. As a result, they tend to skip these ads.Today’s competitive landscape requires that you think creatively. There are no fixed guidelines to where you can advertise and reach a wider audience. For instance, instead of choosing a billboard or a newspaper column, a luxury wine company can offer their grapes at a farmer’s market. This is the place where their customers spend. While the number of people reached may be low, the conversions are generally higher. Every single person will interact and engage with your brand and remember the service they received. As the next steps, word of mouth advertising will begin. These customers will spread information about your brand and let more people know about the wine you sell. Many customers also photograph their experiences and post them online, acting as your brand ambassadors. This gives you a free and organic promotion for your brand. Give Away Unique MerchandiseHow can you represent your product or service in a cool and fun way? Imagine that you are an IT solutions provider. The most common merchandise that you would offer is a USB with your logo printed on it. However, try to think out of the box and come up with something different. For instance, try giving padlocks as a representation of your cybersecurity solutions.While personalized merchandise is costlier, it has a significant impact. You can buy and distribute a small quantity. But remember that twenty people walking with a padlock or customized memorable gift is much better than a hundred people leaving with a pen they wouldn’t even remember about. Create a Compelling VideoUsers enjoy watching videos that are fun and exciting. However, they are bored of the regular videos that describe the products and services of the company. This also includes product demos. Just like you need to identify newer places for advertising, you need to create a story that resonates with your customers. You need to create a place in the minds of the customers. A good example of such advertising ideas would be companies like Marks and Spencers and Dove. They have utilized customer problems and experiences as a means to sell their services. Organize a Live StreamLive streaming is an interesting digital advertising strategy to introduce your brand to the target market. It allows you to show customers what you do first hand. For instance, if you are a clothing manufacturer, you can let customers know where you source the cloth from and how you ensure its quality. Many marketing managers find this strategy risky as customers can spot flaws or concerns in your process. However, you can use this feedback to your advantage. Smart companies thank specific customers for their suggestions and release a follow-up video showcasing their improvements. You cannot be perfect. However, customers enjoy being involved in your processes. They want to be listened to. Giving them a chance to participate in your operations and brand building makes them establish a connection with your business more than any other competitor out there. Hire a Graphic Designer or IllustratorMost companies assume that the quality of their products is sufficient to make sales. However, that is not true. Customers still tend to judge a book by its cover. If you have a boring website or an ugly-looking brochure, there is no way you can interact with the customers. If your first impression is not compelling enough, customers are not going to look at the real value of your product. In the past, brands relied on regular illustrations and flat designs. Whether it was their brochure, their website, their digital advertising tools, or their product packaging, it remained simple. However, as times have changed, brands are using 3D illustrations, brighter colours and themes. These trends not only help brands stand out amongst the competition but also offer a unique character and personality to the product before someone uses it. Focus on MicrotargetingCommercial advertising doesn’t deliver the desired results because it tries to appeal to everyone. You can create a greater impact by targeting a few customers instead. To start using this strategy, think of a particular product or service from your range of offerings. Identify the customer who will benefit the most from your selected product or service. Now, brainstorm on a unique idea to reach out to the audience. For instance, if an online jewellery store is trying to sell more of its butterfly necklace, it needs to identify customers who are nature lovers. Young girls who enjoy going on hikes and interacting with the environment would be interested in such a design. You can also track performance to identify the demographics of customers who have purchased the product in the past. Once this is identified, you can purchase ads to specifically target this set of customers. The effort is cheaper on the whole. This is because the ad is shown to people who already have an interest in the design and are more likely to purchase the same. Connect with InfluencersThere are lots of social media influencers out there in every niche and industry. Identify an influencer in your industry, having a decent following on social media platforms. Influencer marketing is similar to microtargeting. You find someone who perfectly fits your requirements and is followed by the exact audience you are trying to reach. If we continue to work on the butterfly necklace example, there are Instagram accounts of photographers who love nature. Some specifically love clicking pictures of butterflies. Those who follow these accounts are your audience, and promoting your products through these accounts will be incredibly beneficial. Final ThoughtsThinking of an advertisement idea isn’t easy. The experience is rather challenging yet rewarding. A good way to know if your idea will work or not is by sharing it with others in a single sentence. If they understand the essence, you have nailed it. Every amazing advertisement idea goes through a creative process involving several terrible ideas that are trashed. What’s important is that you keep going and brainstorming on the idea till you arrive at something so simple and exciting that you just can’t control your excitement. The professionals at an advertising agency will also be able to assist you in finalizing the idea.