Pandemic on YouTubeTechnology by Ryan Neal - February 1, 20210 If a particular subject was said to be an extremely busy one and he or she never had the time to dabble on “YouTube” the pandemic might have changed that pretty much. For someone who would only watch YouTube to learn the secrets of the universe now since the pandemic watches it to even see how a bottle is opened. Going as far to even view songs on YouTube and directly saving it as an offline option using YouTube to mp3 converter. Basically, excuses or reasons have gone out of the window. The following article shall portrait a human needs broadly met in creative new ways. Both the needs and the ways users addressed them fell into a clear set of themes that we identified with a little cultural anthropological.By the time mid of march came, widespread shutdown due to quarantine had been started and as a result global viewership of YouTube in general had started to rise. Taking a particular genre in our scope let us say cooking a demarcation line was made which could measure the same kinds if behavior occurring at various different places across the global at the same time. It was seen during the start of the lockdown people were watching a lot of videos related to cooking at home. Now a proper framework was needed to gather all the data and assess it properly.The Human Needs Model.Susan Kresnicka is a cultural anthropologist who has done extensive work on human needs. She has developed a model, The KR&I Human Needs Model, (right) that identifies three pillars of need, all interconnected, as the diagram suggests, in one way or another: Self Care, Social Connection, and Identity. The overlaps address the fact that in satisfying one’s need for social connection, for example, one might also be reaffirming an aspect of one’s identity. With Kresnicka’s model in hand, trends that were being tracked and were the plot out. In the following sections, trends were organized by the pillar of need that they seemed to express most prominently. However, the bucketing of the trends below should not be taken as absolute. For example, while we shall discuss the trend of people making dalgona coffee as part of the section on Social Connection, people also drink coffee as a pick-me-up which means there is overlap with the Self Care category.TrendsStarting off with self-care which basically means the maintenance of our most basic biological and emotional needs. The anxiety and uncertainty triggered by the global pandemic drove people in search of tools to cope: namely videos related to food, exercise, relaxation and even sleep. With people physically confined and mentally stressed with social distancing and self-isolation a lot of Yoga related videos were being watched with its highest count in Argentina. Along with that, guided meditation had an increase of over 40% in the daily views sections since March 15th.Furthermore, as social distancing and isolation severely restricted people’s ability to connect, technology was there to help bridge the gap somewhat. YouTube viewers used video to engage with each other directly and indirectly, sometimes in nuanced ways: even just participating in a rising coffee-making trend can make someone feel more connected to other people. Museum Tours videos really came into the picture with an increase of 60% in views.