POS manufacturer piOS finds a strong partner in an IT system houseTechnology by Vivian Collins - September 5, 2020September 5, 20200 The till manufacturer piOS GmbH deliberately looked for a technical innovation partner in the IT system house landscape and after thorough market research decided on the IT system house Schneider & Wulf EDV-Beratung. The IT company based in Frankfurt / Main and Babenhausen has been on the market since 1988 and has in-depth practical knowledge in all areas of IT.Why a strategic partnership at all? In the context of digitization, POS systems are becoming more and more complex. Modern cash register systems have little in common with the cash registers invented by James Ritty in 1879. The cash registers used today are networked PCs that synchronize data in real time – and that for example with hundreds of branches across Globe. The head office often controls the settings centrally and replicates them immediately with the tills of individual locations.What is basically a pos system?With the contractually stipulated partnership and participation, piOS GmbH not only benefits from the IT know-how of Schneider & Wulf from the last 30 years, but also has a team of almost 40 other employees. As a long-standing member of iTeam – a cooperation between IT service companies with over 360 member companies – Schneider & Wulf also has a wide service network. This enables piOS GmbH to operate throughout service inquiries in the entire area.piOS, based in Cologne, will have a location in Frankfurt at the beginning of 2017 and Schneider & Wulf is building a location in Cologne in addition to the location in Frankfurt that has been added in recent years. More are already being planned for mid / late 2017.Martin Hausmann, Head of Technology at Schneider & Wulf, says: “The digitization of cash registers naturally goes hand in hand with issues such as IT security and data protection. Because it is a question of computers. A modern cash register system is nothing else today. piOS has recognized that it is more difficult for cash register manufacturers to acquire the necessary IT knowledge than the other way around the IT specialist familiarizing himself with the software of a cash register system. We thank you for your trust and look forward to successful projects. ”Michael Mathieu, Managing Director of piOS GmbH: “With PC-based cash registers, we no longer only operate in cash register systems, but rather we sell, install and support complex networked IT structures today. It is no longer just a matter of setting up a “cash register” and after-sales of receipt rolls, as was the actual business of cash register dealers in the past decades. Systems installed by us must always be set up properly and be available. Our customers need support support around the clock, by phone as well as on site. The requirements for cash register systems by the customer directly, as well as by official requirements, are constantly changing. Our customers therefore need continuous support for their new checkout world. With the partnership with Schneider & Wulf EDV-Beratung, we have found a first-class professional in the field of digitization, who can be found in the areas of IT security, building network infrastructure and nationwide on-site service through networking with 360 service locations of the iTeam system house group. According to the 2015 system house study, Schneider & Wulf EDV-Beratung is one of the top 10 companies that, like us, speaks the language of medium-sized companies.Sven Wulf, Managing Director at Schneider & Wulf EDV-Beratung says: “We are pleased about the partnership with piOS GmbH and also that we can support piOS in achieving their ambitious goals.”PiOS GmbH, a cash register manufacturer and service provider based in Cologne and Frankfurt, digitizes modern, highly networked cash register systems. The young, independent company is familiar with complex processes and change processes of all sizes – whether in craft businesses, medium-sized companies or in corporate structures. PiOS GmbH focuses on chain stores in the retail sector and in the bakery and catering industry.piOS products differ from the competition through the extraordinarily high-quality standards in software development and implementation and guarantee maximum precision in mapping the operational processes and the longevity of the individual POS system.Through a precise selection process and constant service certification of the partners, the cash register professional always offers its customers the best possible support in daily operations.