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Usage of Core Audio You Can Choose for

While exchanging with our customers and our prospects, some wonder during the phase of reflection and before the beginning of the development of a mobile application what are the different ways of developing it.

  • We try in this article to answer their questions by being as simple as possible.
  • To summarize, there are 2 ways to develop a mobile application: Native & Hybrid, there are also 2 ways to develop a hybrid application, native hybrid & web hybrid.

Native development:

Developing an application natively means developing with the programming language recommended by Apple or Google.

  • Swift or Objective-c to develop an application on iOS.
  • Java to develop an application for Android.

The main disadvantage is the cost of this development when it comes to developing the application for both iOS and Android since it will be necessary to develop 2 times by involving 2 profiles of developers, developers specialized in iOS, and developers specialized in Android. Using the core audio sdk is important in this case.

Hybrid Development:

When it comes to customer budget constraints or deadlines, hybrid development may be the solution. To develop an application on iOS& Android, you no longer need to use two developer profiles, a single development is sufficient for the same application on iOS and Android. I distinguish, and the nuance is important, the 2 models of hybrid development.

Hybrid web development:

An application made in a “web” hybrid is in reality almost like a mobile site, of course more optimized, because user expectations in terms of interactivity and responsiveness of the interface when we are on a application are not the same.

The fact remains that the application is developed with the same web technologies and is then “packaged” in an application (the icon that allows you to launch the app).

We did not choose this path at DzMob since it offers less optimal performance even if advances in web technologies such as Ionic Framework, now allow producing very responsive interfaces similar to the nativeor to the native hybrid which we explain below.

Development as a native hybrid:

The native hybrid is a mix between the 2 modes. We develop only once and the application is produced on both OS, but above all, the UI produced is exactly the same as a native application. It is not HTML.

Among the technologies that allow it: React Native (from Facebook), Appcelerator Titanium (among the pioneers and quite mature), Xamarin (Acquired by Microsoft), Native Script (from Telerik, very popular).

  • This model is even recommended over native development when it comes to optimizing the budget or saving time on certain specific projects: salon application with a fairly short deadline is a frequent case.
  • The challenges of hybrid technologies compared to native ones are above all long-term sustainability, the community for the future maintenance of the project or on certain very specific issues and the integration of SDKs or third-party solutions (mobile app tracking, segmented push, solutions analytics, retargeting, etc.) sometimes less simple than native.


If you have a mobile application project and this article has helped you clarify things and you still have questions, do not hesitate to contact us via the site of  our application development agency . We will get back to you within 24 hours.
