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A Guide to Purchase or Load an Antivirus

There is no longer a question or a doubt of whether you should buy antivirus or not. It does not matter which computer you are using, whether it is Windows or a Mac. Viruses can harm your computer anytime and anywhere. Hence, buying or loading an antivirus is important and necessary if you want to keep your computer safe.

How to Buy an Antivirus?

You know by now that antivirus is necessary. But how will you know which is the best? Whether it costs something or it is for free? Here are some of the tips for you that can help you choose the antivirus that you should have:

  • You should not go with what you have on your computer. Usually, the antivirus that comes with the computer is a trial one. Make sure you load antivirus (โหลด antivirus, term in Thai) which come with a registration key and subscription.
  • While choosing an antivirus, ensure that it can detect 95% of the malware. However, you should also be mindful of the fact that the high rate of detection of malware should not bring false alerts. Sometimes the antivirus detects nonthreatening files as malware.
  • You should ensure that the software is not taking too much of your computer space. The heavier the software, the slower your computer becomes.
  • You should always try the software before buying them. You load antivirus through the internet.
  • You should not pay for software in which you need some of the features. The more the features, the more expensive it will get. So, buy antivirus (ซื้อ antivirus, which is the term in Thai) that meets your needs.
  • Use antivirus software that can be used in multiple platforms like computers and phones.

Do Your Search before Buying Antivirus

Keeping in mind all the thing mentioned above, do your search before buying the right antivirus for your computer. Compare the brands available for you. Compare their features also.

Finally, compare the prices. Make sure that you buy the best by making an initial investment rather buying cheaper software. The better the software, the more secure and safe your computer will be.
