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Agriculture Innovation: 7 Tech Trends to Watch

If there is an industry the entire world population depends on its agriculture. Especially today, when weather conditions are almost unpredictable and the temperature has risen globally. All of this just means that procedures that worked once may not be entirely applicable today. That’s why, just like any other area of technological advancements, novelties have entered the world of agriculture. Let’s see which ones you can adopt to revolutionise your farming practices.

GPS technology

GPS technology has been around since the 1960s, and its use has evolved over time. GPS has many uses that are different from the way we commonly use it. It’s also used in agriculture for precision farming. Farmers can rely on the data gathered by precision farming to give the fields what they need. If it’s more water, the data will show which crop needs it. It can also be something else like fertilisers or pesticides, and the accuracy of such input is astonishing. It serves as a way to maximise each crop yield while also reducing the environmental impact.


Robotics and automation are present to a certain degree in almost every industry. The impact of automation on agriculture will maximise time spent in the field while reducing labour on repetitive tasks. Activities such as planting, taking the weeds out, and plant harvesting can be outsourced. Automation already plays an important role as heavy machinery is at the core of successful agricultural business. But, technological advancements like a robotic hand can improve and replace manual labour. As a result, people can spend their time on how to improve the efficiency and precision of agricultural processes.

Hydroponic farming

Hydroponic farming is yet another technological advancement in the world of agriculture. Now we can grow plants contrary to the traditional method – with a soil-free method. If you’re looking for a way to maximise the use of your space, choose hydroponic farming and grow plants using nutrient-rich water solutions. This technique is also known as vertical farming as you can stack plants vertically and maximise the use of space. It’s also an environmentally friendly solution as it reduces transportation costs and carbon emissions. Plants can grow in urban environments reducing the path from producer to the final consumer.


Drones are perfect for agriculture as they give you the visual in real-time, without you having to go deep into the field. With aerial imaging, farmers can analyze plant health and the state of the crop. If there are any changes or decline in the growth rate, farmers can assess the state and take the next steps.

You’ll easily assess the state of your crop, monitor for pest infestations, and assess field conditions more effectively. It’s all about having real-time data, so you’ll know when to act fast.

Smart irrigation systems

Irrigation systems are already in widespread use, as the rise in temperature has resulted in droughts when you least need them. But, the key with these systems is to use them efficiently as water is not an unlimited source. It’s not about overwatering your plants, it’s all about giving them just the amount they need to thrive. That’s where smart irrigation comes into focus to optimize water usage in agriculture. These systems adjust irrigation schedules based on real-time data, ensuring that crops receive the right amount of water at the right time.

Biodegradable sensors

When we discuss how technological advancement can improve agriculture, we also have to be mindful about the increase in electronic waste. That’s why you can choose to use biodegradable sensors when monitoring your soil health and crop conditions. This is an eco-friendly solution, as it can decompose naturally after a while. Nonetheless, it’s equally useful as their counterpart in providing valuable data on factors such as moisture, temperature, and nutrient levels.

Sources of renewable energy

Farming practices can be transformed with the integration of sources of renewable energy. It is known that farmers rely heavily on fossil fuels because of all the mechanisation needed for agricultural operations.  By harnessing clean energy, farmers can reduce their reliance on fossil fuels and lower their carbon footprint. Solar and wind power are the key elements in this relationship, as it can support sustainable agricultural practices.

These seven technological advancements can shift agriculture from traditional to modern fast. It is all about adopting efficient and sustainable farming practices.
