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Already on the market – Stratux 1090 MHZ + 978 MHZ Diplexer

Stratux released a ADS-B/UAT diplexer PCB not that long ago. It is a pretty valuable option if you own only one antenna and wish to feed two RTL-SDR dongles. One of those receives 1090 MHZ ADS-B while the other – 978 MHz UAT. Its filter will therefore consist of two SAW filters and a splitter.

Automatic Dependant Surveillance Broadcast (ADS-B) is mostly used to keep an eye on the aircraft that’s flying in the sky. The transmission is being broadcasted at 1090 MHz and the signal itself will contain information on the aircraft including its speed, altitude, location and even its call sign.

ADS-B is short for Automatic Dependant Surveillance Broadcast and is used to help track aircraft in the sky. It is transmit at 1090 MHz and the signal contains aircraft data such as the location, speed, altitude and aircraft call sign. ADS-B is utilized worldwide. Automatic Dependant Surveillance Broadcast is being used globally.

The Universal Access Tranceiver (UAT) is transmitting at 978 MHz. Much like the ADS-B, you can use it to keep a closer eye on the planes. Yet, the Universal Access Tranceiver is accessible solely in the US and solely for the planes that are flying below 18K feet. Of course, it is a bit more accessible and in may also contain weather and traffic data (unlike ADS-B).

Any US plane owners that are flying below 18K feet have the ability to choose between UAT or ADS-B transmitters in their planes. Hence, in the States, a fulfilling monitoring option will need to monitor 978 MHz and 1090 MHz.

The good news is – you can easily find the Stratux Diplexer board on Amazon at an affordable prices – about $25.

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