Choosing the Smartest SEO Works that Give ResultSEO by Paul Petersen - January 3, 20200 You need to know about Search engine friendly website. The first step towards your success in SEO is making sure your website is search engine friendly. But what does that actually mean? This means above all that search engines should be able to easily find and visit your site.Help search engines find your siteSearch engines use crawlers, which are the task of constantly searching the Internet and indexing individual pages. The pages are then found by following the links and processing the XML sitemaps.LinesMake sure all pages on your site are linked. Otherwise, search engines will have trouble locating this site and assigning their popularity. Link as many of your important sites as possible, and remember that links from high-quality, thematically related sites will make you more relevant than links from irrelevant. From the best SEO Reseller you can have the best service regarding the same.XML sitemapAn XML sitemap is a special list of all the pages on the web that you want the search engine to index. These sitemaps are for search engines only. Here you need to make sure that you do not have to update your XML sitemaps manually, but that they are automatically updated after any change.Make it easier for search engines to access your siteSearch engine robots do not see individual pages as much as the human eye. Robots only crawl the page’s source code to see what is on them. Therefore, when building your site, it is wise to avoid total reliance on images, frames, or JavaScript, as these elements will never provide the same context to search engines as plain text content.Although Google can run JavaScript, it is a very inefficient way to find out what is on the page and what its purpose is. In general, HTML-based pages will perform better than their competitors, which rely too heavily on JavaScript.Clear structure of URLsAt the beginning, select a uniform URL structure and stick to it. Try to keep your URLs as short as possible while making sure they make sense to your users. This will improve user experience and avoid duplicate content issues.User experienceUser experience, or user experience, plays an increasingly important role in the SEO world. And it makes sense if visitors don’t feel comfortable on your site, why should Google reward you for a good search position?We all like fast-loading pages. Make sure yours load fast enough. Ideally they should load in under 1 second, but under 2 seconds it is still acceptable. The faster your pages load, the better your conversion rate. Really Amazon, for example, found that their revenue increased by 1% for every 100 MS, reducing their load time.No one likes sites that are poorly viewed on mobile devices. Make sure that they are optimized for them, so-called mobile-friendly. If you’re not sure whether your site is mobile-friendly, you can check with Google’s mobile-friendly test tool.Don’t overdo it with pop-ups and ads. When visitors come to the site, it is for some reason. It certainly does not appreciate distracting pop-ups and ads. This is one of the things that often leads to a bad user experience and can also negatively impact your position on Google.