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How Games and Perfections Work Perfectly Side by Side

Analyzing the previous data, it takes little to understand that playing video games can become a real disease: there are cases of compulsive players or those affected by Internet gaming disorder. There are therefore those who accuse videogames of provoking pathologies or mental illnesses, of being antisocial, violent, the main cause of sedentary lifestyle and youth obesity. Others argue that they would be able to develop various brain skills and not only to occupy young people’s leisure time unnecessarily. 

Who is right?

In general, all digital technology has opened up new problems. The virtual opens fantastic perspectives but is not immune from risks in which particularly fragile or vulnerable people can fall. There are also addictions in the use of the internet, where there is no lack of excesses that can cause isolation or depression problems, but you can also go overboard with smartphones and social networks. All scholars agree that the point is not to do without new technologies, but not to overdo it. With the dota 2 mmr boost the wins are perfect now.

According to doctors and psychiatrists, video games and electronic games used with awareness may even have a therapeutic role for children and adults. They can be used to become self-aware and to overcome diseases, helping to find the right way to recovery. There are more sedentary electronic games careful to educate the patient on symptoms and cures of the disease, but movement games that paradoxically stimulate the good habit of motion.

Benefits of playing video games

Playing video games also has many positive aspects, such as stimulating physical activity. This category includes exergames who offer balls, tennis games, races and so on. According to specialists, they are particularly suitable for obese children or in any case for those with overweight problems. The Nintendo Wii forces people to get up and move around in aerobic exercise, but that’s not all. Children playing sports games are more likely to play and play sports in real life too.

Other studies have verified how action video games are good for the brain, they get players used to making decisions 25% faster in every area, without sacrificing precision. There are also games that improve memory, attention and multitasking skills in adults and the elderly. Some are effective in changing wrong behaviors, for example in nutrition. Still others improve eyesight by making players more sensitive to color gradients and contrasts.


Those who play often also develop a greater ability to coordinate sight and hearing, but not only. Screen activities can improve symptoms and health or psychological problems. Dyslexic children can achieve better reading skills by improving speed, understanding and attention. Playing can also improve self-esteem and help people overcome phobias. Puzzle games stimulate the organization of space and action, while strategic games are teaching decision making and could help to face reality correctly.

