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How Social Media Is Changing the World

Using social media has become part of our daily life. The amount of users are steadily growing each year, which means that by 2018, over 2.44 billion people will be utilizing social media networks. 

From entertainment to academic-related tasks, we use social media for almost anything. We connect with family and friends, play games, shop, and even work with it as part of a job. But despite that, communication is still the primary reason for people who use social media. Over 30 million messages are being sent every minute via Facebook and approximately 350,000 tweets on Twitter. From these statistics, we can automatically generalize how social media works and influences our life. 

Social media networks are not just influencing the way we communicate. It also influenced how we governed, how we see and manage businesses, and how we live our lives. As technology becomes more advanced in the following years, we will surely have a different and more advanced perspective of life. Here are the must-read observations on how the various social media networks you actually use every day gradually change the world. 

Aside from positive outcomes, you need to keep in mind that Social Media can get addictive if used inappropriately. You need to balance work and breaks equally in order to keep being a productive individual in this super competitive world. You can use the aid of a tool which was used since the 1980’s called the Pomodoro Timer to help you keep the track and keep an efficient work-life balance as this tool helps you to break down your tasks in multiple pieces while taking short breaks in between.

Virtual Health Advice

Numerous health industries are officially adapting to the technological world. They are now using social media to make health recommendations virtually. Online messages or online public health campaigns are just two of the most common examples of how social media changes the field. 

Social media networks also help experts and agencies disseminate information about medicines or disease outbreaks, such as this CoVid 19 that the entire world is facing now. Through social media, experts and the government can advise the public and share accurate information. With the growing usage of different social media, it is now considered as the future of public health. 

Digital Communication Is Now A Method For Disaster Response

This digital world allows us to experience how we respond to any disasters virtually. One of those best examples we commonly use in a particular social media is Facebook’s Safety Check. This specific Facebook feature allows users to mark themselves safe during or after disasters. 

It is already predicted that there will be more social media users in the following years because of its capability to acquire millions of online responders and even fully allows them to contribute relief from different parts of the world. There are technical communities that exist because of social media, which closes the gap between worldwide disasters. 

Social Media Assists Personal Commerce

The online business field becomes more advanced since social media exists. It helps business people develop their commerce through broadening personal networks. It also helps them find and build new business relationships. WhatsApp and Snapchat are just two of the best examples of social media apps that you can use for business purposes. These apps provide the best business platform and even support your marketing tactics through their advanced features. 

An Alternate Means Of Education

Groups of experts found out that social media can assist students in their learning capacities and is now regarded as one of the fundamental necessities for advanced education. Online classes and online submission become a trend that gives comfort to both learners and educators. Technology becomes a catalyst for learning. 

The World’s Biggest Discussion Platform

Racism, climate change, rights violation, and other societal issues are hard to tackle before without the existence of various social media. But now, in just a single click using your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or even Skype, you can disseminate any information and discuss numerous issues. According to Melissa Tyas and Esra’a Al Shafei, the content we shared through social media can be used as evidence for dealing and addressing problems worldwide. This is one of our fundamental human rights. 

Visual Communication

An advanced society now highly depends on advanced communication through visuals. A single photo is a depiction of various emotions. Depression, sadness, or happiness can be seen in a single picture, and it will become the source of communication. Virtually expressed messages are common to people who are not confident or not used to express themselves through personal interaction. 

The Banks Of The Future

We can now pay our rent and bills through social media networks. This makes living convenient and more accessible. From granting customer service to allowing consumers to send cash to pay their bills through any online platforms, we can notice the evolution of social media. According to Richard Eldridge of Lenddo, there are advanced bank industries that significantly let consumers open a bank account and even support them for a loan. This is how future banks work. 

Final Thoughts

The evolution of social media opens up an almost endless sea of possibilities. Whether we utilize it for academic or business-related purposes, one can only infer that social media is indeed shaping the world as we know it. These digital platforms will be here to stay until the foreseeable future.
