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How to play AVI files on Quicktime in Mac?

It is not news that PCs and Macs are competitors; hence their configurations, software, and hardware are all different. This means that the files that you can play on normal PCs might not be functional on a Mac. This is one of the primary reasons why it is important to ensure that you do find better alternatives.

When it comes to AVI files, it becomes very tough for you to play them on Mac. They are either the wrong format or they won’t play at all. Irrespective of everything, the process of how to play AVI in Quicktime is a question that still lingers, especially for the ones who have made a recent switch from PCs to Mac.

If you have been having a hard time getting to make your AVI files play on your Quicktime on Mac, we have a few accessible methods that can be used for it. Both the methods that we are about to mention are easy, hassle-free and quick. So, if you want to watch that Harry Potter film now, you can do it without any questions asked.

Easy methods to follow

As we did mention before, there are two different methods that we are going to share with you here that can help you watch these AVI files on Mac without any hassles at all.

Method 1 – Conversion to a playable format

The first and the most important factor that you need to focus on in this case is to convert the AVI format file into something playable on Mac, something like MOV. This helps make it easier for you to play the file without any hassle.

But, how can you do it? Well, the process is quite simple.

The only thing you will need for this is the Video Converter for Mac. This is nothing short of a life savior at this point. All that you have to do is convert the file using this software into something playable on Mac.

Since AVI files are big, we would suggest that you use the desktop version of the application for easier access.

Once you open the software on the desktop, all that you need to do is upload the AVI file that needs to be converted. Once you are done updating, you need to select the format that you need to convert the file to. The process is quite simple and doesn’t take a lot of time.

From the dropdown, select MOV because that is the most hassle-free option.

Once you are done selecting the format, the last thing that you need to do is click on Convert and you are good to go. The software will provide you with the converted file within minutes.

Method 2 – Using Elmedia

The next step in the process is the ones for the lazy people who don’t like to indulge in something hectic.

Elmedia is an application that you can install on your Macbook and then play any formats of files using that without any hassle at all.

Much like how you have iTunes segregating all your songs and playing them for you, the Elmedia does just that for you as well. This has a very clean interface as well, which further ensures to make the process of using a lot easier for you as well.


If you have just made a switch from the PCs to Mac and have a load of files in AVI format, we have sorted you out with two of the easiest steps to get the process done. Make sure that you follow either one and see which one works the best for you.
