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Varieties of online surveys you should know

Automating surveys becomes necessary when they become a common workplace tool. Typically, purchasing an online survey maker  to mind first.

Surveys of the store’s previous customers

“Why?” – the primary question that will assist you in preventing customer churn. An e-mail newsletter is an option of how to create a survey: highlight those who once bought something but then stopped buying it for a long time. And ask inquiries:

  • Why don’t you stop shopping at our online store? What was the primary cause?
  • Do you have any concerns regarding the online store that you would like to bring to our attention?
  • What can we do to regain your business?

And so forth. It is not a given that the “escaped” buyer will respond to questions of this nature; instead, they should be mild and non-aggressive. In this instance, a personal discount, special offer, or other incentive would be an effective “hook.” When a potential customer leaves the online store without making a purchase, you can ask them the following questions: Create a pop-up window asking you to stay; if you answer, you’ll get a nice bonus.

Poll on the page with thanks

It is meant for people who just bought something. If you show your appreciation and gratitude for this, you can get helpful feedback from a satisfied customer, encourage him to sign up for your newsletter, encourage him to talk about the purchase on social media, provide a coupon and other tokens of appreciation, and so on. In this instance, the questions should be brief and unobtrusive:

  • Why did you decide to buy our product? with options for responses) How was our service?
  • How can we make our work even better?

And so forth, including inquiries specific to the product. Using these options, you will make your surveys better.
