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What Are The Features And Benefits Of HIPAA Texting?

A HIPAA compliant texting app is software that enables the patients to communicate with the healthcare organizations in terms of receiving the appointment reminder confirmation and rescheduling. This app can be downloaded on the desktop as well as mobile phones. This app is protected by ePHI that provides security and data privacy in order to safeguard any medical information communicated between the authorized user and the healthcare organization. 

Features and Benefits of HIPAA texting

Most of the features in the application are drawn to secure the medically sensitive information and communication complied with the regulations of HIPAA. The benefits by such features are enjoyed by both parties. Some of them are mentioned below:

  • The medical professionals like doctors, physicians or front-desk executive at the healthcare organization can communicate with the patients through this app at any mobile device or desktop. This feature helps the professionals to receive the response form the patient on-the-go. For an instance, if a physician install the application on their phone, while driving back home if the confirmation by the patient is received on the application, they will be notified about the same at that very moment. 
  • The application allows the users to see the read receipt confirmation on the platform. This feature reduces the extra effort by the professional to follow-up on the appointments. 
  • In case if the mobile phone is stolen or lost, the users can recall the message or delete any sensitive information by logging through another decide. This helps in complete security of the sensitive data. 
  • With the feature of corporate directory, the users within the healthcare organization can include other professionals in the network in no time. 

All these features HIPAA compliant texting enable the loyalty and trust of the patient in the organization by keeping the system easy and credible and enjoying easy text appointment reminder sitting on their couch.
