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What are the products you can sell on Ebay?

Ebay have meticulously analyzed each product category in order to have a trace of all the sales trends.

Infant products

The most popular infant product categories on Ebay are:

Infant milk

As you can see, among the products intended for infants, infant formula is the most sold on Ebay. Indeed, on average, 4.3 infant formulas are sold each week for an average price of $ 79.25. Please note that the top selling infant formula brands on Ebay are “Holle” and “Hipp”. However, it is interesting to note that there is also the brand “Aptamil” which is very popular with consumers.

Evolution of prices and sales of infant formula

Based on data analysis provided, we found that the price level of products has a real impact on sales. Indeed, as you can imagine, the cheapest products, which cost between $30 and $60, are the most sold on Ebay. However, there are also the milks that cost between $60 and $120 that are among the weekly bestsellers.

It is important to note that the higher price point implies that consumers buy the products in bulk to save money. Indeed, when we analyze all this in detail, we found that the sales of products that cost between $ 90 and $ 120 generate much more revenue than products sold between $ 30 and $ 60.

The best-selling infant formula

Over the past 12 months, the most successful types of infant formula have been found to be from the “Aptamil” brand, especially with “2 follow On Baby Milk Formula” and “800g”. Please note that the selling price of the Aptamil brand in the USA is much higher than in the UK. This price difference is due to the cost of international shipping.

The most popular commercial and industrial product categories on Ebay were:

Ebay and cartridge

As you can see here, Goggle Replacement Cartridges are the bestselling on Ebay. In fact, on average, 17.5 replacement cartridges are sold each week for an average price of $ 72.76.

The most popular brands of replacement cartridges

The 3M, Eco Solution and Safe Life brands are arguably the most successful aftermarket cartridge brands on Ebay. However, there are also other brands but they are less known.

Price and sales trends for replacement cartridges

With the current health crisis, consumer concerns have intensified. Indeed, this phenomenon has allowed the explosion of the sale of disposable masks and spare cartridges on the internet. Besides, when you look at it all more closely; we observe that in 2020, disposable masks are among the most listed items on Ebay. Please note that the masks that cost between $ 20 and $ 30 are the most sold on Ebay. For selling on ebay this is important.

During the last 12 months, the best-selling masks are: the 3x Washable Earloop and respiratory protection masks. Moreover, this strong demand generates a stock shortage.

Cameras and ebay

As you can see here, digital cameras are the bestselling on Ebay. In fact, on average, 5.5 cameras are sold each week for an average price of $ 721.54.

Well, it must be said that there are no real surprises when it comes to the bestselling digital camera brands on Ebay. Indeed, the most famous brands are Canon, Nikon and Sony. It is important to note that the most wanted digital cameras on Ebay cost between $ 0 and $ 400. However, devices in this price range are not the best sellers because consumers place more importance on product quality than price. Indeed, the best-selling digital devices on Ebay are those that cost between $ 400 and $ 600.
