What to Do If You Get Hacked?Technology by Paul Petersen - February 2, 2020February 3, 20200 If you wake up in the morning and see that another major website has been hacked and suddenly you realize that you also have an account there. All your data, emails and photos are at stake now. Probably you are thinking that how to remove a hacker from your phone. There is no need to get panicked, hope this article will help you to overcome the situation.Mandatory Things to do when you get Hacked:You will be shocked to know that data breaching is the most common crime in today’s world. According to the reports around 500 million Yahoo accounts got hacked leading to the distribution of offensive pictures of Jennifer Lawrence. News shows that this photo was stolen from her iCloud account. So you need to be aware of how to remove a hacker from my phone if you got hacked ever.The very fast thing you need to do is to change your password of the website or the application. And if you think that you were a hacking Target then it will be wise to change all your passwords. Use numeric numbers, different signs to make your password powerful. Don’t set your anniversary date or birthday as the password. A good password is like – JdtYUP2_4jk8@ha8. But it is not easy at all to remember. Using the password manager would be great. Here you don’t have to remember all the passwords except the one which will let you access the password manager.Using the two-step authentication which lets you keep your account secure with a device other than username and password. Amazon, iCloud, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. offer this facility.It might be too late but you should delete all the sensitive data from your account. Just because someone has hacked your account doesn’t mean he has been through all your files, so there is always a chance of things secret.After this, you can run a full scan on your device and then reset it. There is no such way to ensure that you won’t get hacked again but if you make your password strong and keep changing it over a certain time then the percentage of getting hacked comes down. If you keep your bank details in your device then do check it before things go out of your hand. You can complain to the cyber cell department if you want.