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cPanel vs Plesk: Which One Should You Choose for Your VPS Hosting?

Control panels are the interfaces that allow site owners to run and manage their websites efficiently. If your hosting server is on a VPS (Virtual Private Server), then it is vital to choose the control panel carefully to ensure that you use the features of the VPS Server optimally to your benefit. There are many control panels available offering a range of features and benefits. Of these, two names that are the most popular are cPanel and Plesk. While Linux uses cPanel, Windows uses Plesk. Hence, choosing between cPanel and Plesk is more about choosing between Linux and Windows. Today, we will be comparing cPanel and Plesk to help you understand the differences and choose the right one for your managed vps host.

cPanel vs. Plesk

User interfaceAt first glance, the user interface seems cluttered since a lot is happening without any structure. However, cPanel allows users to customize the interface to suit their requirements.Plesk offers a clean user interface with all features and tools neatly grouped.
SpeedA quick comparison of speed and performance reveals that cPanel is faster than Plesk. The primary reason is the performance optimization thrust by cPanel. Further, the developers of cPanel have managed to reduce the memory requirement to boost the speed of operations within cPanel.
Additional ApplicationscPanel allows you to search and add applications without leaving the dashboard itself. While you can run Docker and Git, you will need to go through a complex workaround.With Plesk, you can add a range of useful applications with relative ease. Running Docker and Git is simple with Plesk too.
SecuritycPanel offers a range of security tools to help you make your VPS secure. These include installing SSL certificates automatically, blocking IP addresses, creating directories protected by passwords, etc.With Plesk, you get security tools that allow you to protect your VPS against fail2ban intrusions, integrate active directories, email spam protection, etc.
Supporting Operating SystemscPanel is available only for Linux.Plesk is available for Windows as well as 14 Linux distributions.
Site MigrationYou cannot migrate your website using cPanel alone. You need to use the transfer tool provided in the Web Host Manager (WHM).With Plesk, you can migrate your website using the in-built Plesk Migrator Tool.
Availability of a Mobile AppcPanel does not have a mobile appPlesk offers mobile applications with Android and iOS.
BackupscPanel allows you to take local backups manually using in-built tools.Plesk also allows you to take manual backups and offers password-protection for the backed up files too.
Web ServersApacheApache and NGINX

Summing Up

If we look at the market acceptance, then cPanel-based VPS is more popular than Plesk since it has been around for a longer time. While the latest version of Plesk packs some neat features, it boils down to which of the two you find more comfortable. So, try to get hands-on experience before you choose between the two. Remember, the control panel is your gateway to the VPS Server. Therefore, ensure that you assess your site’s needs too before you buy VPS and opt for the OS and control panel accordingly. Good Luck!
