FIFA 20 New Leagues, Clubs and CommentaryGame by Rosemary Shears - September 16, 2019September 20, 20190 With another new year in the offing, EA Sports is ready with is its latest version of the most iconic sport games of all times, the FIFA 20. EA Sports has ramped up the newest version after taking a lot of feedback from users that have helped it to modify FIFA 19 and offer a more advanced version with the FIFA 20. It has added functionalities, newer game modes, and offers a lot of action for all users so that existing, as well as new players, can enjoy the game with much pleasure. In the sections ahead, we take a look at some of the new leagues, clubs, commentary and some other aspects of FIFA 20 that can help in creating a lasting impression on any gamer.The new leagues in FIFA 20 – There are a lot of new offerings in FIFA 20 and the 30-plus leagues that are already there in it can get a few more additions. However, at the moment, it does not exactly look as though EA Sports may be inclined towards adding more leagues as most of the previews have not hinted at the move. However, what seems to be rock solid at the moment is that it is going to consolidate all the leagues that were there in its last edition, FIFA 19. With so many leagues in the game and with about 50 international men’s sides in action, no one can complain of more action from FIFA.Clubs may or may not be added – With about 670 clubs already there in the game in its last edition (FIFA 19), adding any other club may or may not be worth attracting more users. All the significant clubs that are there in global football news are already present in the game and adding any new club may not be a major highlight of FIFA 20. Rather than that, improving on the technical aspects and introduction of various modes can be more inviting for users as they will need a seamless experience while playing the game. However, having said that, it is not yet clear whether FIFA 20 will have some more club names added into it compared to FIFA 20 and there can be surprises that we can find after its launch on 27-Sep-2019.The commentators for the game can change in FIFA 20 – FIFA 20 can see a new volley of commentators in many languages including English. That’s what the message is till now although there can be last-minute changes that EA Sports may think of. At least for the present, it seems that Alan Smith and Martin Tyler can make way for a new breed of commentators In Jamie Carragher and Gary Neville. Smith and Tyler were regulars on Sky Sports but the younger generation seems to be more comfortable with Neville and Carragher’s style of commentary.Here, it is also important to note that the Brazilian fans can be happy to find out that Gustavo Villani is coming to take over the commentary from Caio Rebeiro and Tiago Leifert as both of them have helmed the commentary for the past couple of years and change was due on that front.Similarly, in the Dutch version, Sierd de Vos and Jeroen Grueter will be the new commentators for the game. This move is more or less confirmed since both of them have at least spoken a lot for the game during the last year or so and the move has also been informally communicated by an EA developer during a press release. There have been about 700 hours of recording for both of them.Looking at all these commentary team-related developments, it is quite clear that on the commentary front, the game is going to launch a new blitzkrieg of sorts with the FIFA 20 and users can expect a lot on this front.Conclusion – The new leagues, clubs, and commentary section of FIFA 20 can be quite exciting just as its earlier versions but with much more punch than ever before. Whether new leagues or clubs are added to it is for time to decide but with its new commentary team in action, the excitement will surely reach a new level because commentary plays a very major part in the game. Therefore, for all players at the moment, we can only say that keep your fingers crossed and expect once again the best teams and leagues to take the center stage in the newest offering from FIFA.Fifacoinszone is a trusted FIFA 20 coin seller with fast delivery and lowest price: