Successful Content Marketing Secrets to Boost Website TrafficBusiness by Nancy Bell - November 11, 20220 Content marketing is a specialized form of marketing that can have incredible ROI when done correctly. It can be hard to pull off a successful content marketing campaign, but when you pull it off, you will reap incredible rewards for your business. Today, we will talk about the most successful content marketing secrets that will help you improve your website traffic. So, let’s get right into it.1. Make Life Easier for Yourself by Organizing a Calendar for Content ReleasesTiming is everything. It makes a huge difference whether you post a content piece at 3 am (for your target audience) or 7 pm. Content needs to be handled delicately and released accordingly for full website traffic optimization. Once you get people used to a certain tempo (for example, posting a content piece every Wednesday and Saturday at 16:00), they will quickly expect you to uphold this tempo constantly. This can be good, but a costly thing. The good aspect is the fact that they will reflexively go to your website around these periods as they will expect new content pieces to be there at this point. The costly aspect is the fact that you need to uphold this standard now. This is why you want to approach this problem strategically.Schedule your content releases on a calendar ahead of time so that you always stay ahead of the curve. If you have a special event or offer that you want people to know about such as a product launch, a sale, or a giveaway, you should incorporate this limited-time offer or notification into the content at the relevant time. After some time has passed, you will gain valuable data about what works and what doesn’t, what gets people more involved, and what completely misses the mark. A content calendar will help you stay on track and make releases much more efficient, so it truly is the first and most important thing you should start with to boost website traffic.2. Play on EmotionsGenerally, when people talk about clickbait, it is in a negative sense. People feel cheated when they click on an article and they do not receive what they expected from the title. But clickbait is not harmful by itself. There is nothing wrong with a catchy title that will reel in the user. If anything, how will a user know that your content is good if they are put away by a boring title? In most cases, click-baiting is just baiting without anything of substance in the actual article. But, when utilized properly, people do not end up mad at all, if anything, they are glad that they clicked on the article. This is why you should try to make your title appeal to emotions and as clickbaity as possible while staying true to what you are actually offering in it.This is why you should utilize human emotions to get them curious about the article. Use phrases such as “studies have shown” to make the user realize that your statement has been researched (obviously, it needs to be researched). So, go through a brainstorming session to see what phrase best fits your topic and presents you with the most optimal way of marketing your website.3. Understand how Authority Links Go With Your ContentIf you want to accomplish a successful content marketing campaign, you have to understand how authority linking works. Authority links are website links that have a far larger degree of trust among users than most other websites enjoy. It is important to keep in mind that these can sometimes be subjective. The Google search engine tries to make a combination of factors for its top search results. Usually, it involves a website that has a high degree of authority links in it, high image and content optimization, as well as in-depth content that stretches somewhere around 2000 words. While you might think that longer content is not desired in the age of fast attention-grabbing. It is, in fact, a driving force of content marketing. People want extensive texts filled with plentiful and useful information. This is why you want to choose a niche that you can fully devote yourself to and write about it from the inside out. Fill your content with keywords relevant to your business in the headlines and support your claims with proven research, not just the first thing that may back up your point, because trust us, the first thing that pops up is not always the best one. Once you have gotten the hang of authority linking, you can cross that off your content checklist.4. Make the Content Perfectly SEO CompatibleIt goes without saying that the best way to drive organic website traffic is by making your content SEO compatible. Utilize analytical tools such as Google Analytics to get a feel of what are the heaviest contested keywords for your niche (more on this later). If you want expert opinions on the matter, Sydney SEO agencies are known for their incredible marketing optimization strategies.Whatever you do, just avoid keyword stuffing in your content, as it will backfire on you by weakening the user experience (UX) of your website. If you smother the website with too many keywords, it will result in your page’s content becoming horrific to the eye and algorithm. Not to mention that it will also look spammy as hell!5. Utilize Analytical ToolsThe internet is an ever-developing place. Trends and keywords that worked in the past can change overnight without anyone realizing it. This is why you must always stay ahead of the curve and up-to-date with the latest trends. Analytical tools allow you to always know exactly what the current marketing trends are. This is a category that you have to approach humbly, as you can always learn from the statistics that are presented to you. It gives you insight as to what content is performing well and what isn’t, it can be a great tool to tell you exactly what needs changing and how to get closer to what your audience wants. Those would be the secrets of content marketing. It comes down to your ingenuity, and ability to utilize the tools at your disposal to boost your website trafficking. So, use this knowledge wisely. Best of luck!