The impact of data science on customer behaviorTechnology by Paul Petersen - August 14, 20190 The availability of data will surely help businesses to learn about their customers and applying the correct source in order to provide better customer experience. Predicting consumer behavior is one of the biggest challenge faced by many marketers around the world as consumer needs are constantly changing with new technologies and more developed products. Nowadays smart marketers invest their money on data analytics for better understanding of consumer behavior. Converting customer liking into preference in the era digital technology requires deeper study of users’ digital movements.This involves the tracking of digital footprint of your potential buyers with the help of data analytics tool. One of the top digital marketing company has recently introduced infographic which explains the importance of analyzing customer behavior, with the help of graphs and charts they list down the shopping behavior of online customer along with the feedback. Infographics lists down the step involve in making purchase and models of consumer buying behavior process. Data Science Course in Bangalore also offers a comprehensive study of infographics, which will help in understanding consumer behavior.Difference of data science and artificial intelligence:Both data science and artificial intelligence have great value in the market but few of the basic difference between Data Science Course and artificial intelligence are:Data science is the collection of large data analysis whereas artificial intelligence is an implementation of this data in the machine for the understanding of this dataData science is a collection of skills whereas artificial intelligence is algorithm technique.Data science uses statistical learning whereas artificial intelligence is of machine learning.Data science observe a pattern data for decision making whereas artificial intelligence look into an intelligent report of decision.Medium level of data manipulation processed in data science whereas high order of scientific data for manipulation is processed in artificial intelligence.Data science needs graphical representation whereas artificial intelligence needs algorithm representation.Artificial intelligence involves robotic control process whereas data science involve data mining and manipulation.Data science need statistical technique design and development skills whereas artificial intelligence needs algorithm techniques design and development skills.