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What is a CMS (Content Management System), and Top CMS Used

CMS is term used for “content management system” which is a computer app where one individual can use to manage the contents of a website. Typical CMS apps include functions such as:

  • Indexing;
  • Format Management;
  • Retrieval;
  • Revision control. 

A CMS app consists of 2 elements: content management application and content delivery application. According to Kings of the Web there are many terms that are used with CMS.

Author of content

The author of web content or the person, who manages it, can use the CMA element of a content management system to create, modify or remove content having little or no skills of a webmaster or being familiar with the web programming language known as HTML. Once all this information has been input through the system, CDA elements complies the content and updates the website. 


A CMS features a web-based publishing functionality allowing users to use templates and input wizards to easily modify as well as create the content of a website. By using the format management feature, the user can import paper documents that have been scanned or even documents that use obsolete formats to the website by formatting the content into HTML or PDF. A CMS usually will index all content that goes through it, which allows users search and retrieve specific data bits by using corresponding keywords.


Currently the most popular content management systems are commonly used to facilitate blogging by the management of data including text images and videos and automatically developing the pages for the author. 

WordPress is the PHP blogging platform that is by far the more popular CMS for blogging and undoubtedly the most popular and current CMS overall. Thanks to excellent documentation as well as a super-quick installation wizard, usually taking 5 minutes to an up and running CMS is good. Newer versions auto-update the core and plugins core from the backend, without having to download any files.  WordPress also comes with a built-in uploading support for images and multimedia.
